Could Have
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I believe everyone has his or her own could haves.
No matter how much of a risk taker you are, there are still options that are unanswered or put aside. Simply, because we were given too many choices and we could only pick one in every circumstance.
So I've been thinking of my could haves and here are the big ones:
I could've not taken Med, instead work on Human Resource or as a Clinical Psychologist. But seeing how my colleagues have been resigning from and applying for jobs, I'm happy to have remained in school. Hahaha. The only thing I am envious of is their paychecks, which is nothing compared to how much I'll get when I do start earning. Hahaha :)) Kidding. Honestly, going into Medicine was my only option until I failed my Anatomy, but then again, I chose to continue because I believe the hardships are going to be worthwhile. And dreams do come true!
Kimmy and Liz, in REM state.

With Paulo, 2007. We were platonic then.
Making decisions are easy, just follow your heart ♥
And no matter how difficult it seems, don't ever worry because your decision has been made long before you even started contemplating on it. Everything happens according to His plans.