Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I've decided to answer this Q & A every year, just to be reminded how my year went. My 2008 was published on another blog... but here's my 2K9:

- In a relationship ♥ But, I celebrated it with Cat :)
Did you have to go to the hospital?
- YES! My left ulna got broken even before my summer started. Talk about SUMMER BOREDOM! Ack. I had to go back to the hospital every other week to have it checked. The doctors finally removed it around June.
Did you have any encounters with the police?
- No
What did you purchase over $500?
- Nothing. I'm broke all year round. Rar.
Did you know anybody who got married?
- Yes, it came quite as a surprise though. My bestfriend from 2nd grade, Melody Viray got married to Lem last November. I wasn't informed about it so I was completely taken aback when someone posted their wedding photos.. I was going to throw a fit, but Bestfriend already apologized for not letting me know. Kat's older sister, Ate Karla also got married. It was such a pretty wedding. Ah, it makes me want to get married already. HAHAHA.
Did you know anybody who passed away?
- Tons of people passed away this year. My grandmother, who lived a very long life - more than 90 years, died last October. We went to Bicol to attend the funeral. It was the first time that I saw my dad and my uncles cry, it was very very sad - especially for my dad since he and grandma has always been very close. And, Corazon Aquino also died this year.
What sporting events did you attend?
- Thomasian Goodwill Games, specifically the Football division ♥ I also got to watch UST versus ADMU during the UAAP season - thanks to Pipao for the tickets.
What concerts/shows did you go to?
- None.
Describe your birthday.
- Nothing extravagant. D5 surprised me with a cake. I had dinner with family and mi amore at Amici. Lastly, the ladies and the gentlemen had a fantastic drinking/eating night at Chrissie's place. We also attended Sunday mass at their chapel.
What things you thought you would never do but did?
- Hmmm.. FAIL! Not once but twice. OH NO! :| It wasn't intentionally, though. It made me doubt myself for a moment but I also thought all these failures are bound to make me great! Sigh. Hmmm, I also did things for love, nothing too crazy though. Haha.
Any new additions to your family?
- We lost one - my eldest brother. He's no longer a brother, but officially a sister. Fcuk.
What was your best month?
- Unlike last year, I don't think I have a best month this year. Too bad.
Who was your best drinking buddy?
- Buboi! HAHAHA :)) It was just one drinking night, but damn, I got drunk. Fortunately, I managed to get myself home.
Made new friends?
- YES. In Section B, batch 2013.
Any regrets?
Get a new job?
- No.
How old did you turn this year?
- 22 ♥
Did anything embarrassing?
- Err.. fail?
Get married or divorced?
-No. But planned to have a secret wedding.. when? Right after I graduate!
Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
- No.

Start a new hobby?
- Started playing soccer again! Yehey!
Are you happy to see 2009 go?
- Totally!!! I hope 2010 will be better.
Drank Starbucks in 2009?
- Not as much as last year.. what an accomplishment! :P
Been naughty or nice?
- NAUGHTY. Tss, I guess I don't get my Christmas present, huh Santa?
What are you wishing for in 2010?
- No more failure. Get my grades up. Win soccer games. Stay in l♥ve. Stay happy. More money, haha!!! Vacations, please. And happiness for everyone.
Done something you've regretted?
- Yes.
Lost someone?
- My grandma last October.
Cut class?
- YES. Although, I didn't really need to cut class for this academic year coz my academic load is very few so I got tons of free time.
Was involved in something you'll never forget?
- Uh.. YES.
Cooked a gross meal?
- Hahaha :)) YES! I'm such a disaster in the kitchen!
Lost something important to you?
- No. YEHEY!!! My phone's 10 months old already, congratulations to me!!!
Got a gift you adore?
- YES :) My Med spikes from mi amore. My Nike bag from Paolo Tuvera.
Tripped over a coffee table?
- No.
Dyed your hair?
- No. Maybe this year, whatchathink?
Came close to losing your life?
- Errr... I dunno.
Went to a party?
- Of course. Tons of times. Mostly with D5, yehey!
Read a great book?
- I don't remember, maybe none. Hmmm, my Med books are not so great but I do read them.
Did you grow apart from anyone?
- Same answer as last year's - "Yes. Not entirely my fault. It was because of the choices he made; choices which sucks like hell."
Did you have a cake?
- Yes. TWO :) From my family and D5
Did you change at all this year?
- In little ways. I'm less religious, which is bad. I'm more independent. I've realize the values of hard work and perseverance. "I'm happier than I've ever been in my entire life, despite all of my problems. But, no worries, I'm still stubborn and lazy; I still don't fix my hair much; I'm still not graceful; and I'm still a messy eater." Hehehe :))
Did you change your style?
- Not much. I'm still in white uniform. Haha :)) But I do plan to change my wardrobe this year, got to have more sophisticated clothes.. haha!
Were you in school?
- "OF COURSE :) I'll be in school much much longer".
Did you go on any vacations?
- Just within the country. Bicol and Aurora.
Would you change anything about yourself now?
- A lot, actually. I want to be more secure, more structured, more persevering, more "out there".. sigh.
What do you want to change in 2010?
- STUDY HABITS! Haha :))
Overall, how would you rate 2009?
- It didn't beat 2008 but at least it wasn't THAT bad.
Do you think 20010 will top 2009?
- YES, definitely. I'll make sure it will. 2010, here I comeeeeeeeeeee!!!